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Preschool Room


This age group will be focusing on imaginative and cooperative play in class. Outdoor time, music and movement etc. are the important milestone to help them with gross and motor skills. Writing, puzzles, and drawing would help them improve on their fine motor skills. Teachers will encourage them to develop story telling skills, and help them understand the cause and effect theory.  Each day begins in a whole group circle to set the learning intention for the day. With whole group circles interspersed throughout the day, children explore themes and concepts together as they share ideas, interact, and gain confidence. Children pursue their passions and acquire new knowledge through a combination of free choice and teacher-led activities. Center-based learning enables exploration through play, direct instruction, math, science, writing, and sensory experiences.

Children will learn how to problem solve during conflicts in a positive way with their peers. Communicating in a nice voice and using proper words. Teachers will teach and model good relationships between adults and peers, focusing on respect and caring. The outdoor and indoor gross motor is designed to help children workout their growing bodies. Teachers incorporate in the daily curriculum activities for stimulating large muscle development.

Development Progress

Cognitive 87%
Social / Emotional 82%
Hand & Finger Skills 80%
Language 78%
Movement 82%
Hearing & Speech 79%
Kids Future Day Care Center | Daycare, Childcare; Early Education in Uptown, Chicago
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